World Premiere ~ Newlywed Widow

Sunday, January 14th at 7 pm

Whitefire Theatre ~

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The Whitefire Theatre - newlywed widow (

Newlywed Widow

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I have understood this life since the day I saw the lady in the mirror, her weathered face reflecting the passage of time and the wisdom it brings. In this way, I've been able to view my life from afar, detached yet present, like a spectator witnessing the unfolding of a captivating story.

Whether I chose to do this for self-preservation, to shield myself from the pains and uncertainties that come with being fully immersed, or because of my Clairvoyance, a gift that enables me to glimpse into the tapestry of my own existence, I don't know. But what I do know is that this perspective has allowed me to observe the ebb and flow of life's currents with a sense of serenity and understanding. It has given me the ability to anticipate the twists and turns that lie ahead and navigate through them with a grace and resilience that eludes many.

Through the looking glass of introspection, I have come to comprehend the intricate dance between fate and free will, recognizing the delicate balance between shaping my own destiny and surrendering to the greater forces at play.

As I continue to peer into the reflections of time, the old lady in the mirror serves as a constant reminder of the wisdom that comes with age, and the power of perception in embracing the mysteries and wonders of this existence we call life.

Newlywed Widow

Immerse yourself in the poignant journey of a young girl whose tormented past unlocks the depths of her psychic powers, revealing a future shadowed by the label of a Newlywed Widow. Witness the stunning transformation of the best-selling book, "Newlywed Widow," as it gracefully transitions from the pages of literature to the captivating allure of the stage. Brace yourself for a Solo Performance that transcends mere storytelling, delving deep into the human experience, and igniting profound reflections on life, love, and the mysterious realm that exists beyond our mortal plane. Prepare to have your perspective forever altered by this extraordinary exploration of the human spirit.